Visual styling for the web

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Reminder: Your first community engagement activity needs to be completed and written up before Fall Break begins on October 19th.

For most of class today, we will spend time creating our base site and then exploring ways that we can change and customize the style to our liking.

We'll learn a little bit about CSS and about linking resources so that they show up where we want them.



Linking is what makes the Internet what it is in terms of how information is organized. Without links, we would have to know the location of every single thing we wish to get to. We would have to index everything: that is, we would need a list. Linking allows us to move between resources, call and embed resources within one another, and in some cases find resources based on their relationships.

Relative and absolute paths

We have choices about how we can link to resources.

Let's look at the links in the examples on the last page:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/styles.css">
<script src="js/scripts.js"></script>
<img src="images/pretty.img" alt="A pretty picture" />
<a href="index.html" title="Home">Return home.</a>

These are all examples of relative paths. This means that they assume that the files referenced here are located near our index page.

If we were to represent the same links with absolute paths, we would have to add the domain name / hostname also. See below:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
<img src="" alt="A pretty picture" />
<a href="" title="Home">Return home.</a>

Let's consider the advantages and disadvantages of each of these approaches and ask these questions:

  1. What happens if we have to change our doman name or move to a different server?
  2. Is there perhaps a way to automate such a change and still provide an absolute path?

Let's move on to working with visual elements.


CSS is an acronym for "Cascading Style Sheet."

If HTML is the medium for web content, then CSS is the medium for the visual styling of the web. Whenever a website looks like anything other than just a blank page, there is CSS involved.

We will continue to use a combination of Markdown, HTML5 and CSS3 to construct our very own web pages.

Embedding with iframes

iframes are a way of loading one site within another. They're really cool.

For instance, Trinket embeds let you put interactive code anywhere. Here's an embed that lets me generate pairs for this class:

Google Maps, SoundCloud, YouTube and whole host of other neat sites have embeds. The embed code is usually available in the 'Share' dialogs. Some embeds are created with Javascript and have a <script> tag. Think about how you can enhance your site with cool embeds.

Theme Cleanup

I got a little ahead of myself last time.

So far you've:

Now we need to:

If You Forked Up

Everyone forks up sometimes. I want your new repo to be on its own, not a fork of the theme's repo, because that will be easier later.

Make sure you've cloned your code to Cloud9. Delete the forked repo on Github. Make a new empty one titled as I described above. Now you should be able to continue as if you'd cloned, making sure to change the remote url below.


Once we have the base theme cloned, we need to make sure that the site is going to show up at the right address.

The address that we want is This is the default user site address for GitHub pages.

GH Pages will serve this site from code in the master branch of a repository in your account named the same as the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or just the full URL to our desired site.

Therefore, if your GH Pages user site defaults to then we have to make a repository in your account titled That's why we did that.

Now we need to push the code to this new repo. Since we cloned the repo, origin is currently set to the old location. Now that you have a new repo with a new .git URL, we can change where the tag origin points to:

# Change origin's URL
git remote set-url origin [paste URL here]

# then verify the new URL is there:
git remote -v

Great! an initial git push and your code should be up on github. You should see it at your special URL. Tommy's is

If that's not working for you, we've got to dive into config quickly.


After running jekyll serve --host $IP --port $PORT you may notice some broken links or missing styles. We'll now fix these together.

Open _config.yml in Cloud9. We will likely have to change three variables, if they exist: path, url, and baseurl. These will be different for different themes, so we'll look over this together in class. Basic principles are as follows:

You want url to match the desired URL for your site:

path specifies a path where files are held. For the GH Pages user site, it needs to have no value. You can either delete that line, comment it, or just put a set of double quotes to specify that Jekyll should not try to rewrite the links and append a subdirectory. It will look like this:

path: ""

The same is true for baseurl: it should be blank or not exist.

All that these do is tell Jekyll where things are when it is trying to build the site. Remember, linking is dynamic in the build process, so Jekyll is trying to figure out how to tell your browser where to find stuff that it needs to render the site.

For next time

I want you to continue to work with your site and actually begin creating some content: write your first real blog post for this class. You'll do this just as you did before, creating a file in the _posts diurectory, following Jekyll's naming conventions for the filename.

This involves having an idea, making an outline of what you want to say about that idea, committing some text, referencing outside information, and maybe putting a picture in to give a visual anchor to your text. You'll probably be writing about commands and code a lot. Use inline code blocks to reference commands like cd and full codeblocks to call out or sequence commands:

cd ~

Add a language name to enable syntax highlighting on these fenced code blocks.

You can also use jekyll's built-in {% highlight %} tag to add spiffy syntax highlighting to your code the old school way. Learn more here:

<h1>Syntax Highlighing in Jekyll</h1>

<p>It's <strong>really</strong> cool!</p>

I would also like you to move through the W3Schools HTML5 and CSS3 tutorials on your own, outside of class.Read: “HTML Tutorial.” W3Schools.

“CSS Tutorial.” W3Schools.
Go quickly if this is all review for you (though you should learn a thing or two!) and set aside some real time for them if this is all new to you.

Visual styling for the web - September 21, 2016 -