Remote Operation Reference
Remote Operation Reference
Dollar sign ($) in the command prompt means that you are in a user shell.
What directory am I in right now?
Make me a new directory right here:
mkdir mydirectory
Move into that new directory that I just made:
cd mydirectory
Show me what is in this directory:
Show me more information about what is in this directory:
ls -lah
Make a new blank file with this name:
touch myfile
Output this on the command line:
echo "Hello, world!"
Put that thing that I just said into the file I made before:
echo "Hello, world!" > myfile
Put this other thing that I want to say into the same file on a new line:
echo "This is another line." >> myfile
Show me what is in that file:
cat myfile
Put this thing I want to say into a totally new file:
echo "This is a third line." > myfile2
Put the stuff in this new file on a new line in my old file:
cat myfile2 >> myfile
Make a backup copy of that file:
cp myfile myfile.bck
Rename the old file to a new thing:
mv myfile mynewfile
Remove that other file that I created:
rm myfile2
Become the ROOT user:
sudo su
Search for this software package:
apt-cache search nano
Install that software package (text editor):
sudo apt-get install nano
Install a different editor:
sudo apt-get install vim
Install yet another text editor:
sudo apt-get install emacs23
Open my file in that editor:
nano mynewfile