Pandoc Reference

Installing Pandoc

Start a new Blank Clou9 workspace called assignment3 or something like that.

To install Pandoc in your Cloud9 DevBox, use the following command:

sudo dpkg -i pandoc-1.15.1-1-amd64.deb

Et voila. Installed.

Basic Pandoc commands

All Pandoc commands are documented here:

Clone some example files then cd into the new directory:

git clone
cd pandoc-ex

Convert a Markdown file to HTML:

pandoc -o output.html

The -o flag should immediately precede the name of the output file. The other file is interpreted as an argument, i.e. the input.

View or download the output with SimpleHTTPServer

With many files, you can preview them in cloud9. You can View HTML files and dowload other file types by starting a simple server in your project directory:

When we get to ODT and DOCX, this is how yuou'll download them to check them out.

Converting from URLs

Pandoc reads the filetype from the extension in normal usage. If you want to convert a file directly from a URL, you will have to specify the filetype. This converts a webpage from (-f) HTML to (-t) Markdown:

pandoc -f html -t markdown

Since we didn't specify the -output, it just prints the result to the terminal. Modify the above command with the -o flag to output to (You could also do this with bash by using the > command. Remember that from the beginning of the command line?)

You can make sure that certain things, like quotes and em-dashes, get read and formatted propery by specifying the "Smart" switch (a capital -S or --smart):

pandoc -S -o output.html

There are a host of other commands in the documentation. Be sure to try them out.

Specific file commands

Convert your markdown to HTML:

pandoc -o output.html

If you wish to convert to a DOCX or ODT file:

pandoc -o output.docx
pandoc -o output.odt

If you wish to convert between two different word processor filetypes:

pandoc -o output.docx example.odt

Filter a document through a template file:

pandoc -S --reference-docx=FILE -o output.docx

In the above command, you need to specify the location of the template file. If it is a file called template.docx and is located in the same directory as your Markdown source, then the command will be:

pandoc -S --reference-docx=./template.docx -o example.docx

There are no templates in the example files we cloned but we'll use these later

You can also use an ODT or OTT for reference:

pandoc -S --reference-odt=./ -o example.odt

More example files

Link to some example files.

Play around with these!

Pandoc Reference -