zman7895's poetry slam save addition

by Zach Lund

06 Jun 2017

Below is my embedded trinket.

I smashed working on this after finishing the files exercises and working on my blackjack app. Therefore, by the time I put eyes on this I was dead and gone. Never a good idea. I stared at the screen without really doing anything or taking anything in. I decided to just go to bed and wake up and re-read the chapter. Once I got to the section in the chapted identifying how to do this it was relatively simple. Sometimes I think my biggest problem is just picking and choosing when to work on stuff. A lot of the time I am not actually struggling with the concepts of programming but more struggling with life choices haha! Just kidding, but not really.

I am a rising senior at UNC and in the information science major. I lived most of my life just outside of Washington D.C. I love sports, music, and gambling. Find Zach Lund on Twitter, Github, and on the web.