Turtle Hack Post - Sam Robinson

by Samuel Robinson

22 May 2017

Here is my Turtle Hack program:

When trying to think about what the “coolest” program I could write would be, I decided to mess around with the screen.onclick controls demonstrated in the first chapter of our video textbook. I didn’t have any ideas for a specific drawing to try to create, and so instead I wanted to see if I could recreate the drawing functions from the textbook examples, and add some of my own. Also, since I am not a particularly dextrous artist, I decided to try restricting tina’s movements in the drawing app, so that I would have more easy to work with angles. At first, I had tina only turning in full 90 degree angles, but eventually decided to relax this to 45 degrees. I feel like this gives a pretty good range of motion, while still being easy to judge tina’s position and exact heading. Also, later on in the process I decided to add some penup and pendown options, as well as fill options. The biggest roadblock it hit was with color selection. The video examples showed how to select from a preset list of colors, but I wanted to make this an input prompt, like what we did in our other homework assignments. However, something about the function I defined causes it to infinitely prompt the user for a color when the color key is hit. I am not sure what to do to fix this, and plan to bring it up in class. Sadly, this means that what could be a pretty neat little drawing program is left a little flat, as it can only draw in black.

# Bugged section of code
def choose_color():
  x=raw_input("Choose a color")

screen.onkey(choose_color, "c")
Sam Robinson is a second-year MSLS student at UNC Chapel Hill's School of Information and Library Science. Find Samuel Robinson on Twitter, Github, and on the web.