Nura's Clicky turtle excercise

by Nura Hill

30 May 2017

Here is my code for option 1:

On option one, as usual, it took me a bit to come up with an idea of a program for this one. I ended up deciding to draw a ground and sky. on lines 38-46 i created my clicky funtion. I made it so if tinas y coordinate of the place you click on is greater than -152 it would draw a star (on the sky), and if it was less than it would draw a flower (on the ground). My helper functions are the star and flower.

Here is my code for option 2:

I wasnt able to get to do a whole lot with option two. I bascially was just able to make it work, as it took me sometime to get it working properly. I created the list of colors so by clicking on shift, the turle color would change to different colors. Below is where i was able to use randint to make it choose a random color. where it says [randint(0,len(color)-1)] it means that I want it to pick a random color (randint) from 0 to the length of color, -1 (-1 makes sure that it never picks a color out of range)

# Define a function to change the color
def color_change():

I feel like this excersice was a good foundation to build on futher in the future. Its pretty cool to able to manipulate the turtle with the keyboard and make it draw things. I particularly like that penup and pendown part that i created (wich you can turn on or off by clicking ā€˜uā€™) becaue that gave me the ability to draw things (like a square, triabgle, etc.). Th e penup/pendown was my something creative!

I am a student at UNC. Hoping on soon becoming a official Information Science major! :) Find Nura Hill on Twitter, Github, and on the web.