Nura's Final First Milestones

by Nura Hill

13 Jun 2017

Before todays class I intended to draw a really cool intricate backround resembling a jungle. Once I got started I realized that it would take me for ever. When we were in our groups I noticed a few people using Piskel to draw up things to add to their code, so I then decided to just draw a jungle scene in piskel and add it my background. As of right now I have not added the image to trinket, but i plan on doing this tomorrow! since i drew my background in piskel, I have also decided to not ‘hide’ the bananas, but rather for the banana to be drawn when the user clicks on the right place.


[x] Create a cool/appropriate background [ ] Add movable monkey image [ ] Add a score [ ] Add a timer [ ] Hide bananas [ ] Display what level you are on [ ] Create winning screen [ ] Create looser screen [ ] Add music?

I am a student at UNC. Hoping on soon becoming a official Information Science major! :) Find Nura Hill on Twitter, Github, and on the web.