Nura's meetup reflection

by Nura Hill

14 Jun 2017

Several of us went to the TryPython meet up. There were a lot of people there from different work backgrounds. This meetup is pretty relaxed. Its basically a place where people get together to work on their own python work. Its very informal. If you have a question, you just ask anyone. In the beggining we went around and introduced ourselves and the person who put it together explained what the organization was about and how to use their website. As we were going around people kept mentioning “machine learning” and one of our class members asked what that was. What i got from it was basically that a machine can use statistics to understand things, rather than a programing it….? not really sure if that is correct, but i plan on googling it. We used most of the time working on our own program. It was cool to see so many people coming together to work on this. I feel like if this were something i wanted to to get into in the future, this would be a great place for networking and collaborating. I personally expected for this to be a bit more formal. I invisioned a more structured even, with maybe a speaker or something. I enjoyed the environment!

I am a student at UNC. Hoping on soon becoming a official Information Science major! :) Find Nura Hill on Twitter, Github, and on the web.