Nura's Logical Turle

by Nura Hill

23 May 2017

Here is my embeded program:

I created a daily calorie counter. The user has to input the number of calories they had for breafast, lunch, and dinner. If they consumed more than 2500 they get one message, and if they consume less than 2500 they get a different message. There were two things that took me a while to do. The first was trying to think of something to make, and second was how to apply the if and else conditionals. see below how i did it:

if total > 2500:
  print("The recomended number of calories per day should not go beyond 2500. tisk tisk!")
  print("You need to eat more!")

Once i did it, it all made more sense. The learning is all in the repetition!

I am a student at UNC. Hoping on soon becoming a official Information Science major! :) Find Nura Hill on Twitter, Github, and on the web.