So here are my updated milestones:
- [X] Create a cool/appropriate background
- [X] Add movable monkey image
- Add a score
- Add a timer
- Hide bananas
- Display what level you are on
- Create winning screen
- Create looser screen
- Add music?
Last night I started with the actual coding for my game, which is great because lately i’ve just been focusing on desiging the images. One thing i realized was that I wont be using my drawing app as a starting point. I just started it from scratch, and I feel good about that decision.
As i am writing this, i just noticed that I somehow errased all of my code that i did yesterday….. oh my Gooooshhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so bummed right now.
So, what i did do, was add the background image and added a monkey, and created a dictionary, I made a class for banana and snake, created variables for score, game state, timer.
I FOUND (part of) IT!!!!!!!!
What I am showing here is kind of messed up. I am slowly working on it. I need to re-do the images, but for update-sake, i wanted to show something off. Hopefully by monday I will have a good chunk of it done. my goal is to have the movable monkey going, and to also work on getting a help menu of some sort. I would also like to add a timer and the other levels to it all by monday.