Nura's Final Project Update # 3

by Nura Hill

19 Jun 2017

So here are my updated milestones:

  • [X] Create a cool/appropriate background
  • [X] Add movable monkey image
  • [X] Add a score
  • Add a timer
  • Hide bananas
  • [X] Display what level you are on
  • [X] Create winning screen
  • [X] Create looser screen

Here is my code:

So, again, i did not do as much as i intended. I got sick thursday and did not feel well until saturday. I tried to put what you can see together above between saturday and sunday. Like i mentioned in my last post, I decided to not use my drawing app as a starting point, so i was able to star from sratch. I started a framework, i guess you could call it. I have several different turtles doing different things. I have the score and level showing up.I added my backgrounds. i made my monkey move around by using clicks.I was able to do all of my images excepts my banana and snake (might not use the snake thought). The point of the snake would be that it would decrease points. I have given up on adding music, which i am really bummed out about. I feel like the music and sounds could have really added something fun to the game.

As for as moving forwards, I have completely clearned my schedule for the next three days. I have a kid, and I have arranged for her to be taken care of so i can really focus and only do coding, because i have SO MUCH TO DO! by tonight i plan on adding the timer, finishing up my images (fixing some things that are acting weird), and at least getting started with the help menu if not finishing it. One of my current biggest obstacles as of right now is time, so knowing that I have childcare taken care of for the next few days is a huge reliefe for me, because i know i can really focus and do more with no interruptions.

I am a student at UNC. Hoping on soon becoming a official Information Science major! :) Find Nura Hill on Twitter, Github, and on the web.