Nura's Dictionary reflection

by Nura Hill

08 Jun 2017

I am so glad that today we went over dictionaries in class. I feel like i learn better by being taught this way, so I am glad that it happened!

I feel like I got the gist (very light gist) of how it dictionaries work. What i undertand so far is that the items in a dictionary are key value pairs, just like a real dictionary, like = {key : value, Key : value}, unlike list that just contain values. There is also no order to dictionary. I read somewhere that list and dictionary are like contaiers, and i felt like that was a good way of explaining that. It sees like dictionary works well when you are working with data, ex: like peoples name and thier id or phone number, etc. I still feel kind of meh about how or when to implement it, but i assume that i will get a better glimps this weekend.

I am a student at UNC. Hoping on soon becoming a official Information Science major! :) Find Nura Hill on Twitter, Github, and on the web.