Kathryn's final project milestones

by Kathryn Morbitzer

12 Jun 2017

For my final project, I’m going to be using the tic-tac-toe game already started. The milestones are below: • Incorporate a draw game into the code • Implement levels of difficulty o First level will be normal play o Second level will have a piece erased using the random number generator so that on ¼ turns, a piece will be erased o Third level will have a piece erased using the random number generator so that 1/3 turns, a piece will be erased o I will also incorporate the key events into the levels of difficulty by having the user key which level they want to play • A score tracker that is updated every time a game is played will need to be incorporated • A custom image will need to be incorporated • A custom turtle class will need to be incorporated • A win screen and an end screen will need to be incorporated • A help dialog needs to be incorporated

Kathryn is the lead pharmacist of the data analytics team at UNC Health Care. She is also a Masters student in the Biomedical and Health Informatics program at UNC. Find Kathryn Morbitzer on Twitter, Github, and on the web.