Kathryn's clicky turtles exercise

by Kathryn Morbitzer

29 May 2017

Here’s my code:

Below is my reflection: For the clicky turtles exercise, I created a game of tic-tac-toe that will fill in the space that is clicked on the board. This program ended up being a lot more difficult to create than I originally thought.
I first drew the tic-tac-toe board, which consisted of a series of basic turtle commands. Even though it took a little while to get the board correct, that ended up being the easiest part by far. I ended up having to create separate functions to determine which player’s turn it was, marking an x or o in the correct spot, and working through all of the different combinations to determine if a player won. It took a lot of time and testing to get it right, which was frustrating at the time, but now it’s fun to play using the program that I created.

Kathryn is the lead pharmacist of the data analytics team at UNC Health Care. She is also a Masters student in the Biomedical and Health Informatics program at UNC. Find Kathryn Morbitzer on Twitter, Github, and on the web.