Jaffa's Sleepy Turtle Treasure Hunt

by Jaffa

25 May 2017

I haven’t solved many problems, but it’s 2:30 AM and I have work tomorrow. Hint to novice programmers: try not to accidentally delete your code multiple times.

My biggest problem was that I originally did a game where the turtle moves by clicking, but I couldn’t figure out how to prevent the program from jumping the gun on calculating the distance. So I switched to an input program and changed the parameters of my screen so that the program wasn’t so annoying.

In the end, I couldn’t figure out how to stop the program when someone enters a wrong coordinate or non-integer. Also, the celebration for winning is totally lame. Maybe my peer reviewers will have some suggestions…

Jaffa is a rising second-year MSIS student. She has lived in 6 different states. Find Jaffa on Twitter, Github, and on the web.