Jaffa's Functional Turtle

by Jaffa

24 May 2017




I modified my first turtle because I thought that I could condense the code and make it a little more interesting. The first thing I did was change the pattern of drawing the squares so that they all went to the left. This was a lot more efficient. It also allowed me to define draw_square using size as an argument instead of direction. Then, I tried to incorporate a function with a return. I imported the random module so that I could randomize the choice of colors. It took me some time to figure out how to code the colors because the quotation marks were getting confusing. Initially, I tried to use random.choice, but I couldn’t get it to work so I switched to random.randint instead. This allowed me to write an if-elif-else statement that translated the integers into colors.

I wanted to incorporate the return function so that I could then print the color that was chosen. Eventually, I figured out how to get it to generate the integer, but not the color. However, the integer did not represent the color shown, but was just another random integer. I never did figure out how to get that work, maybe another assignment?

I think that my choice to do the basic turtle was not as challenging as I thought it could be. I think that the Functional Turtle is–at least–an improvement over the Basic Turtle, but definitely not groundbreaking. So I made a remix of the Functional Turtles that uses a loop. When I see what the other students in the class can do, I always feel discouraged because these things take me more time. I’m trying not to get frustrated, but it’s difficult. Hopefully, things will click for me soon…

Jaffa is a rising second-year MSIS student. She has lived in 6 different states. Find Jaffa on Twitter, Github, and on the web.