jbfelder's Logical Turtle Exercises

by Justyn Felder

23 May 2017

Here is the embedded code for my exercise:

Reflection: As I initally thought of what I wanted tina to do and become, I started with a process very similar to just “going at it.” I would input random commands until I found something I liked. After creating a basic For Loop that would serve as my “Tina builder”, I determined that there would have to be some sort of guidelines to make sure that Tina iterated a decent number of times without going crazy. I also made sure Tina implemented a decent amount of basic Turtle commands. The only command I was not able to implement, as I was unsure how to make it run at the right times, was the Fill command. I didn’t know whether to put another If statement inside the For Loop to handle whether it was the first iteration and determine how to fill from there. I was unsure if I should use the Try and Except method to use Fill. In the end I scrapped the idea. Polishing the code and adding comments was a breeze as I hadn’t experienced any errors. Thus, a simple Turtle program was born.

Justyn is a rising Senior at UNC Chapel Hill. He wishes he was creative enough to put more in here but he isn't that creative Find Justyn Felder on Twitter, Github, and on the web.