</br> Here is the embedded code for my Blackjack App </br>
</br> </br> Reflection: </br> Being completely honest, this is the first program that we have had in the class that I’ve been challenged by. The challenges I faced did not come from the difficulty of the assignment, rather they came from the sheer number of ideas that I wanted to implement into my Blackjack code. For the basic requirments, I finished all of those in about a day and wanted to build more on. I achieved all of my basic goals that I wanted to meet and decicded to move onto the advance goals I had set. What began much of the confusion that I had come to experience was trying to implement these wide, independent ideas that I wanted while also trying to accomplish the advance requirements. I want to set up a way in which the Dealer could decide for themselves if they wanted to “Hit” or “Stay”. I also want to include a multiplayer option for multiple users and dealers that would allow them to get up and leave whenever they wanted. Instead of taking my time and hoping to accomplish theses one at a time. I tried to work on them all at once alongside the advance requirements. It was here that I experienced almost all the difficulties that appeared. After working on all of these task at once for a long period of time, I finally stepped away from the code and took a break. It was during this break that I realized what I needed to do. I deleted all the code that was not immediately going to help me fulfill the advance requirements. Once I removed this code, I then focused on achieving the advance code. Though I was “starting all over”, it was this fresh start that gave me the push I needed to finish the code. Sadly, by the time I finished the advance code I did not have enough time to work on all the ideas that I wanted to implement. As angry at myself as I was, I was happy to finish what I had set forth to do. </br> </br> Checklist: </br>
Basic Goals
- Game checks for user input
- Game then deals cards to User and Dealer
- Game will calculate scores for both, but only show user their current total
- User decide if they want to “Hit” or “Stay”
- Game automatically decides for Dealer based on the dealer’s current total
- Game will cycle through until the certain conditions are met
- Game will give user prompt to play again or quit
- Option 1: Play Again
- Quit
Advance Goals
- Randomize a fully made deck
- Game then deals cards to User and Dealer using randomized deck
- Randomly choose new card from deck
- Allow dealer to draw new card if under 16
- Allow dealer to Bust