Thomas Newlin's Final Project: Update 3

by Thomas Newlin

19 Jun 2017

My Code:

-Stage 1- CHECK
Create a football field, using the background color and turtle pen/stamps, and "players", using turtles shaped like Piskel drawings
-Stage 2- CHECK
Create gameplay using keystrokes (possibly including powerups)
-Stage 3- CHECK
Create a basic constantly available help dialog (Including instructions)/ Begining menu that uses clicks
-Stage 4-1/4 CHECK
Create 3 Levels that increase in difficulty by adding more players and hopefully more skilled, faster players
-Stage 5-
Create a scoreboard/level achievement at the top of the screen. 
-Stage 6- CHECK
Make a winning/losing screen (Posisbly using Piskel)
-Stage 7-
Edit/Make user friendly
-Stage 8-
If possible, create powerups that increase speed, spin move, and maybe some sort of hurdle.

Reflection: I moved from two houses into one full time apartment this weekend. I was forced to go to Charlotte to accomplish this and that unfortunately limited my time I had to work on my project. I did however figure out how to build a constantly avaliable menu that I can easily build onto if I add extra features that I have to explain to the user. I plan on building an enemy engine to actually be able to tackle the user hopefully by tonight. Im excited to actually put in some work.

Thomas Newlin is a MPS student in the Biomedical and Health Informatics program at University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill and a graduate of Indiana University-Bloomington Find Thomas Newlin on Twitter, Github, and on the web.