Thomas Newlin's Final Project: Update 1

by Thomas Newlin

14 Jun 2017

My code:

-Stage 1- CHECK
Create a football field, using the background color and turtle pen/stamps, and "players", using turtles shaped like Piskel drawings
-Stage 2- 1/2 CHECK
Create gameplay using keystrokes (possibly including powerups)
-Stage 3- 
Create a basic constantly available help dialog (Including instructions)/ Begining menu that uses clicks
-Stage 4-
Create 3 Levels that increase in difficulty by adding more players and hopefully more skilled, faster players
-Stage 5-
Create a scoreboard/level achievement at the top of the screen. 
-Stage 6-
Make a winning/losing screen (Posisbly using Piskel)
-Stage 7-
Edit/Make user friendly
-Stage 8-
If possible, create powerups that increase speed, spin move, and maybe some sort of hurdle.

Reflection: Last night I created the field. And used Piskel to create players as well as the class of enemy turtles and gave the user turtle boundaries and the ability to move. Many of this work was basic coding that we have become acustomed to. It took quite awhile though and I hoped to have more done today, but due to other classes I have not been able to accomplish as much as I hoped. Nothing has yet been a problem. I still think my milestomnes are achievable. I look forward to sticking with my plan and seeing where it leads me.

Thomas Newlin is a MPS student in the Biomedical and Health Informatics program at University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill and a graduate of Indiana University-Bloomington Find Thomas Newlin on Twitter, Github, and on the web.