Thomas Newlin's Final Project

by Thomas Newlin

22 Jun 2017

My Code:

-Stage 1- CHECK
Create a football field, using the background color and turtle pen/stamps, and "players", using turtles shaped like Piskel drawings
-Stage 2- CHECK
Create gameplay using keystrokes (possibly including powerups)
-Stage 3- CHECK
Create a basic constantly available help dialog (Including instructions)/ Begining menu that uses clicks
-Stage 4- CHECK
Create 3 Levels that increase in difficulty by adding more players and hopefully more skilled, faster players
-Stage 5-CHECK
Create a scoreboard/level achievement at the top of the screen. 
-Stage 6- CHECK
Make a winning/losing screen (Posisbly using Piskel)
-Stage 7- CHECK-
Edit/Make user friendly
-Stage 8- NOPE
If possible, create powerups that increase speed, spin move, and maybe some sort of hurdle.

Reflection: I had a lot of fun making this game. I ran into many hurdles and was forced to walk away many times. In the end Im proud of what I created but wish I couldve done more. With less time constraints from my schedule I couldve completely completed my vision. If I were to have more time I would figure out how to create lives, pause the screen when the menu opened, and created cool powerups. That was my vision when I started but ran into major problems while trying to figure out how the enemy players could tackle the player, how to create levels, and how to create lives. In the end I ran out of time to create lives and scrapped the lives on teh scoreboard and made a note in the menu that you only have 1 life. I appreciate all I have learned from this class and hope to continue learning more and more about python as well as eventqully learning other languages. I would like to thank everyone in the class for being so supportive and Professor Hauser for making this class eciting and making learning how to code fun. I wish everyone a nice rest of the summer.

Thomas Newlin is a MPS student in the Biomedical and Health Informatics program at University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill and a graduate of Indiana University-Bloomington Find Thomas Newlin on Twitter, Github, and on the web.