Caroline's Web Dictionary Exercise

by Caroline Hall

12 Jun 2017

Here is my embedded link: <iframe src="" width="100%" height="356" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I’m hoping that I completed this assignment correctly - in that the code produces 4 or so items of information for different areas that are entered. However, to do this, I simply commented out code and did not need to write any more code. Because of the simplicity of this task, I’m thinking that I may have misinterpreted the instructions. Additionally, I had a hard time creating scenarios where no location could be found. For the Atlantic Ocean, someone in Google Maps has chosen a token point to represent this feature. Even entering ridiculous potential zip codes still produced results in foreign countries. —- As soon as I closed out of this post, I realized that the try and except blocks that I was trying to implement were within the while block, which is why the program kept creating locations for markers that may not represent anything. Bringing this outside of the While True helped to correct this error.

Caroline is a first year Information Science Master's Candidate. She is passionate about renewable energy and the environment. She spends the majority of her time outside of class working for Strata Solar, a national solar farm developer, and United Solar Initiative, an international solar nonprofit. Find Caroline Hall on Twitter, Github, and on the web.