Initial Milestones:
- Scoreboard and lives count in upper half of the screen
- User should be able to move fish with keypad
- User can click initial fish design from opening selection with instructions
- Instructions include “Press Enter to Begin”
- Different types of fish as the enemies
- fun shapes come towards players as point bonuses
- lives lost from hitting bad fish
- points threshold or time threshold for gaining another life – level up based on life gain
- pretty color background - I want it to look like a coral reef
My idea right now is to create a game where the user is a smaller fish at first that can move up and down the left half of the screen to either gain points by hitting certain objects or lose lives by getting eaten by sharks or larger fish. If the user’s fish runs into other fishes coming from the right hand side of the screen, then the user will lose a life. The user will start with 3 lives - if they lose all three of these, the game should shut down and ask the user if they want to play again. I’m still deciding how the user will level up and what the differences will be between the levels (more bad fish, faster bad fish, etc).
For Thursday:
- Complete drawing background
- Make turtles for user, sharks (bad fish), and coins (points)
- Make instructions at the top of the screen
To be Scheduled:
- Make point system
- Make lives system
- Make UI that comes up with spacebar
- Make it so that user can pause the game to look at instructions
- Make it so that different levels in the game result in different computer interaction (faster/more frequent sharks/coins)
- 3 levels of game play
- Scoreboard to pop up at end of game
- User can press button to quit game
Stretch Goals:
- Animated background that looks more like a reef