Caroline's Dictionary Discussion

by Caroline Hall

08 Jun 2017

Going through the exercises in class today was extremely helpful for understanding how dictionaries work. The concept itself makes more sense having walked through some problems step by step. I think that this would have been a concept that would have been extremely hard to understand just from reading text about it, but that also is because of my learning style. The first thing that sticks out in my mind is the usefulness of the keys and their connections to other values. It’s extremely convenient that the data can complete multiple calculations at one time - like it did with the data set for counting the number of transactions and their total value. It’s also interesting to know that other built in functions within python work for dictionaries, like sorted() and .join. I would like to see some more applications of dictionaries in class and how they can be use with turtle in particular. I’ve been brainstorming ways to incorporate them other than how you explained their use with images, but can’t necessarily come up with anything.

Caroline is a first year Information Science Master's Candidate. She is passionate about renewable energy and the environment. She spends the majority of her time outside of class working for Strata Solar, a national solar farm developer, and United Solar Initiative, an international solar nonprofit. Find Caroline Hall on Twitter, Github, and on the web.