Aaron Plocharczyk's functional turtles post

by Aaron Plocharczyk

24 May 2017

Here’s the original copy of the game:

And here’s the “functional” copy of the game:

My goal with this assignment was to shorten the length of my code by implementing functions to do some of the repetative stuff for me. I started out by isolating different chuncks of code that I saw being repeated a lot and oraganized them into their own functions that I could just call multiple times, wherever needed. I did this for the functions: getWinner, drawLine, drawMarker, and spin. getWinner returns “X”, “O”, “Cat”, or “”. The other functions take parameters. Here are their function signatures:

def getWinner()
def drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2)
def drawMarker(x, y, color)
def spin(color, angle)

I then focused on the fact that I was doing essentially the same thing for player X and then for player O in my loop. If I could simply pass “O” or “X” into a function, I could just call that funciton once in the while loop and just toggle O/X at the end of the loop so everything would play out the same way. So I did that. All I have to do in the while loop now is call:

drawSymbolAt(currentSymbol, turn)

and it will return True or False, based on whether the symbol was successfully drawn or not. As a technical side note, drawSymbolAt just calls a helper function called “drawOrFalse” with appropriate parameters, and “drawOrFalse” does the actual work.

I am a senior at UNC Chapel Hill taking my last couple courses this summer. Find Aaron Plocharczyk on Twitter, Github, and on the web.