In all honesty, I haven’t had a lot of time to work on this. I decided on a hangman game though. Here are some milestones I’d like to complete:
- Allow the user to create their own word list.
- Offer easy, medium, and hard
- Allow the player to restart
- Show a visual keyboard on the screen to show the letters that have been played.
- Allow user to click OR type the letter.
Updated plan: After our discussions, I found out that some of my milestone were a little too “big” so, here are my updated milestones:
- Allow user to enter letter using mouse or keyboard
- Program receives letter input from user and determines if it is in the word.
- Program pulls in a word from the list of words (another data file)
- Program displays the word that it chose from the list.
- Program changes the color/bolds the letter if it was typed or clicked.
- Program keeps track of how many times the player has entered an incorrect letter
- Once player reaches certain number of incorrects, lose happens.
- If player finds all of the letters without going over the limit of incorrect, win happens
- Program has three difficulty settings.
- Difficulty settings either determine length of the word or number of pieces already drawn on hangman.
More advanced milestones:
- Background changes depending on difficulty level
- Program displays number of tries left on the screen.
- Program draws a piece of a hangman each time an incorrect entry is made.
- Program displays letters already guessed
- If a letter has already been guessed, program displays an error stating such.
- Program changes background/text color of on-screen keyboard if a letter has been selected.
- Program has a help button that displays instructions when clicked.
- Program gives player the option to enter their own list of words.