Lisette's peer review of Thomas's drawing app

by Lisette Dunham

07 Jun 2017

Thomas’s drawing app is really fun! This drawing app meets all the criteria of the assignment. His code is organized and readable, it contains additional modules, uses loops, and runs without errors. The app includes multiple turtles, a screen object, and custom functions. My favorite part was that he imported the images module and included some additional shapes that the user can stamp (human, boat, palm tree) that are part of his island theme. I think its a great idea to use a theme that can give the user more ability to draw something related to the app theme in addition to just clicking around to draw.

Thomas used key strokes to move the turtle and make the drawing, change the turtle color and stamp the shapes. Althought I appreciate Thomas’s nostalgia for old video games, I find using the key strokes hard to draw. Thomas applied the key strokes appropriately and even included a function that allows the user to pick up the pen and put it back down. There is also a cool blinker that indicats to the user that the pen is up or the pen is down. My favorite aspect of this app was that Thomas created a function that keeps the turtle on the screen. This is a small but super helpful detail that helps prevent the user from losing the turtle off the screen.

Thomas’s milestones are vague but do describe the process and achievements to complete the app. I would have liked to see more details about the specific functions and modes that he had planned for and whether or not there were milestones he didn’t get a chance to complete. From Thomas’s description, it seems like he didn’t encounter too many issues and was able to accomplish his app in the order he intended. It’s clear he had fun while creating the app, which I think is reflected in his fun stamp images. One suggestion I have is to remove the colors at the top of the instructions box. The box has many other instructional items and the size make them hard to read on most screens. Since the user doesn’t have control to click a color and the turtle appears the color the line as will, having colors in the instructions is duplicative information.

My app was similar to Thomas’s in many ways. We both allowed the user to stamp shapes, change colors, and clear the screen. However, we achieved these in completely ways. Thomas used key strokes to do all these changes, while I used turtles that get clicked. I think we also break our code into similar chunks with comments. Thomas comments his code succinctly, while I provide a little more detail, but they provide the same information to the code-reader. After reviewing this app, I would “steal” from Thomas the ideas of importing the image package, and building boundaries for the turtles. There is something about Thomas’s code and reflection that make me think he never let any coding problems stop him from moving forward with completing the app.

Lisette is a Research Data Statistical Analyst at UNC's Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center Find Lisette Dunham on Twitter, Github, and on the web.