Anusha's Treasure Hunt

by Anusha Suresh

25 May 2017

Here is my embed code:

And Reflection: What an exercise! I spent a lot of time looking at Elliot’s treasure hunt game for some inspiration for this activity. What my program does is it takes in user coordinate input, to create an arc. At the end of the arc, tina draws a little circle. After it does this, the program tells you how far away from the hidden point you are. It creates kind of a spidering look, which is kind of cool. The game is also slightly difficult because of the arcs because the user had to understand how they are inputing their values, a negative may not always take you where you want it to go. I’m not super happy with the way my game turned out, I don’t believe that it is anything interesting, or rather that my code does anything interesting. I think that this piece is something that I surely want to improve upon. The thing is, there are plenty of things that I wanted to do, but was not able to get them to work the way I wanted. Initially, I wanted the turtle to be able to draw shapes depending on the users input to narrow the playing field as they kept entering values, but that wasn’t working, so I decided to leave the pendown and see what happened, and it looked kind of cool. I initially had it a white screen but that thought a black screen may make it look more spidery. When I first started the program I had some problems with the program doing anything. I was experimenting with some functions at first but they just messed up the program and my turtle wouldn’t do anything. Then what I wanted to do was loop the color of the background screen with each user input. I wasn’t sure how to do that until I saw one of the videos. Then when I included the code, it changed the background color with each run and that wasn’t what I wanted. It was when I was typing this reflection that I realized if I moved it under the else it could work, and it did. I have since removed the black and white to make the colors stand out better. There is one bug in the program. If the user messes up an input, then the program returns “nan” for how far away from the treasure it is. But every response after that also provides “nan” too. I’m not exactly sure why this is happening, maybe if I get a try block involved, I can fix it. I’m happy with some of the things I included in this assignment but I want more for it.

I am currently a rising junior here at UNC. I am hoping to be an INLS major, though I am currently a minor. In regards to this class, I have tried programming several times before with no success, but I am determined to learn something from this course. I love the fall, cookies and cream milkshakes(plus points if it's a malted shake), and jokes (good and bad, mostly). Find Anusha Suresh on Twitter, Github, and on the web.