Anusha's Logical Turtles Exercise

by Anusha Suresh

23 May 2017

Here is my code for the exercise:

And my Reflection: For this activity my creative head wasn’t working as much so I went with what I knew, which was shapes. I knew I understood the concepts for the most part, but conditionals and operators, I wasn’t sure how to work them in together. I chose to have the user input a number and as per that number, the turtle drew some kind of shape or object or it even told the user to try again. I felt more comfortable with positions now, but then again, I also just drew a few generic shapes because I wasn’t exactly sure how it would turn out. The other thing I was trying to work out was drawing a square over the entire field, but I soon realized that how the square got drawn depended on shape, so I decided to scrap that idea. Instead, I chose to center the next circles under the first shape, as best I could, so that they would both show up. But, I am thinking that maybe I should have included the code for the big square in each conditional statement instead of at the end of that block, something to think about there. I knew using conditionals there would be the best move, but I still hadn’t used operators. At that point I figured “what if I had the user give another input value?” And this idea seemed to work out really well. This time the user is inputing a larger number so as to change the dimensions of the circle. Depending on what number the user inputs the program will conduct some kind of calculation and draw a circle for that result. To make this part work I used more conditionals because that is what made sense to me at the time. I’m still unclear when it comes to loops, but I think when I understand them better, they would have been effective in this assignment and made the code clearer too. Also, I’m not exactly sure what replay value is, so I think that that is something I would need to feel more comfortable with before I use it. I think as I learn more and more skills and have more creative thoughts, I could make a more effective and interesting program by the end of this class.

I am currently a rising junior here at UNC. I am hoping to be an INLS major, though I am currently a minor. In regards to this class, I have tried programming several times before with no success, but I am determined to learn something from this course. I love the fall, cookies and cream milkshakes(plus points if it's a malted shake), and jokes (good and bad, mostly). Find Anusha Suresh on Twitter, Github, and on the web.