Anusha's Drawing App

by Anusha Suresh

07 Jun 2017

Here is my embeded code:

My List of milesstones: create user interface make turtle for brush make turtles for shapes and colors allow user to clear the screen allow users to change colors allow user to change shapes

My Reflection: I’ll begin with my milestones. I made a very general list of milestones for myself because I’m not much of a planner for how to do things. Even in English class, I hated planning my essays. I find that I work better being able to skip around and come back to things and add things as I see fit. This didn’t exactly help the best in this assignment because this is my third trial at this assignment. I wrote two other sets of code, or rather, I started them, but I absolutely couldn’t follow them, especially when I took breaks and came back to them. I found with the code that I have submitted, because it was more of one go, I was able to stay on top of it. In terms of this assignment, I am not really happy with it. I struggled a lot with it, understanding click events, whether or not key events were necessary, why I used multiple turtles. This assignment was a whole mix of things I didn’t understand fully, and that kind of prevented me from taking off with this assignment. If I knew more than I did for this, I am sure that I would have been able to add more features and make it do more fun things. My code is at a point where it will draw things, change color of the pen based on clicks, and it will clear the screen as well. What it is not doing though, is drawing the shapes. I am so unclear as to why this isn’t working because I was sure I coded it correctly, but after looking and looking at it, I could not do it anymore. I followed the same logic I used for the colors for the shapes and they still weren’t working. When you select one of the options, either it will keep drawing lines or it will stop drawing lines and the respective turtle just moves around the screen. At first I thought that I had forgotten pendowns, but I don’t believe that was the issue. I hope to pursue this issue and figure out why it is not doing what I want it to do. The other thing that I had trouble wrapping my head around was the concept of using multiple turtles. Of course I see why they are useful, and that this code would have been wayyyyy more complicated without them, but like why in other situations would people use multiple turtles? Is it allowed? Does it make code crowded? This are things I would like to understand more in detail. I would also like to know more about click events. I feel like I am using them, but I don’t fully understand them. Maybe soon they will “click.” (hehehe) This assignment really made it clear that it is just me and the program, and we have to be at one with each other instead of at war with each other. But I couldn’t tell you that we were one with each other the entire time. There surely were a whole lot of emotions in play while working on this project. For me, more of them were kind of negative, and along the lines of frustration. I don’t think that it had anything really to do with this assignment, but more to do with the fact that the last few assignments were kind of difficult for me as well and I am not feeling as confident as I was earlier in the semester. I am genuinely trying to push through this and keep chugging along, because I do want to go into the final project feeling much more confident than I am now. I don’t think my strategies are failing me, but my toolbox. Hopefully very soon, my assignments will take flight.

I am currently a rising junior here at UNC. I am hoping to be an INLS major, though I am currently a minor. In regards to this class, I have tried programming several times before with no success, but I am determined to learn something from this course. I love the fall, cookies and cream milkshakes(plus points if it's a malted shake), and jokes (good and bad, mostly). Find Anusha Suresh on Twitter, Github, and on the web.