alexreher's poetry slam

by Alex Reher

01 Jun 2017

Here it is:

I didn’t run into major issues with the basic input and output. I had a little trouble coming up with spacing. This was definitely a that I wish I had an easier way to test though. Entering test cases really felt like it disrupted my ability to get into a good sustained period of productivity.

I came back to the line length issue again and again. I knew I wanted multiple loops and the sorts of checks, and it made sense in my head. Every time I tried to code it I’d get stuck though and lose track of what needed to happen. Two things seemed to help, One was a change in variable use. I used longer but more descriptive variable names and I also just used a variable in place of a constant and didn’t cram multiple operations into the same line to try to make my work easier to keep track of.

Comments also helped in this one, not just for what I had complete, but explaining what still needed to happen.

it's pronounced aboot! Find Alex Reher on Twitter, Github, and on the web.