alexreher location info

by Alex Reher

13 Jun 2017


This was a struggle to figure out and I’m still not really confident about it. I made a try for pulling types and then looked through any types to retrieve short names. I’ve had people try to explain JSON to me because I wanted to learn, and it makes sense, but trying to pinpoint what I want to access was alot of trouble. I think I spent too much time staring at the code/output rather than just trying and failing towards succuess. I don’t know if its the unfamiliarity with the data or the abundance of brackets and curly braces, but I spent a long time on getting any output that wasn’t an error. I think if I actually had to work with this type of data I’d want some reference material that shows me the structure with a clean presentation. I understand that it is supposed to be simple by design vs. XML, and the sort of drill-down nature of it should be intuitive. I need to give this more time to adjust, as from talking to people who code for a living, JSON is a great utility language for making information from one tool usable by another

it's pronounced aboot! Find Alex Reher on Twitter, Github, and on the web.