Updated baseball program

by Amanda Baker

15 Jun 2017

Here is my embed link! <iframe src=”https://trinket.io/embed/python3/4f5eef4063” width=”100%” height=”600” frameborder=”0” marginwidth=”0” marginheight=”0”

Getting the data into my program took so, so much more time than I ever could have imagined. I needed to download some other programs to parce through it and getting it into trinket provided to be a problem. I am definitely way more far behind than I want to be but i really have a good idea of where I am, what I want to do and have a good plan on how to get it done. I also have a good idea what will be managable even if it is challenging for me to complete before the deadline.

I am still working on some things before class so this list wont be exact: Milestone

  1. find the data (done)
  2. Parce through the data (done)
  3. import the data (done)
  4. check to see if the data can be read (done)
  5. write the first loop to start the program giving the user option such as which file they want to read, help or exit (done)
  6. write the hlep dictionary (in progress projected to be done tonight at the latest)
  7. Write the function what the user can do (in progress will be done by Saturday) (idea for max and min rbi, hr, sb, left or right handed, pull up the entire roster of a team etc)
  8. Write the playere/team dictionaries)
  9. figure out how to use a class with the data, think it will be using it for the users information to print back all their searches at the end of the program
  10. For the visual data, decided it should be printed in a table so it is most readable.

I am a bit nervous since I am about a day and a half behind where I wanted to be. i really wanted to have a lot more of the fucntions by today so I can really begin having functionality to my program. I hope I can catch up because i think this is a really useful program and will give a lot of great information to the user.

Amanda is a Masters student at UNC studying Information Science. Outside of class, Amana is an avid reader, loves music, and loves outdoor sports. Find Amanda Baker on Twitter, Github, and on the web.