Amandas web dictionary exercise

by Amanda Baker

13 Jun 2017

Here is my link. <iframe src=”” width=”100%” height=”600” frameborder=”0” marginwidth=”0” marginheight=”0”

 I struggled a lot with this exercise figuring out how to get the best output. I knew right away to comment out the longitude and latitude because most people would not want that info. I knew searching by city, state and zipcode would yield the most relevant information so I began coding for that. I triedsetting variable name for city, state, county and zip, putting in the info the code provided. However, that did not end up working. I kept trying a few alternatives until I got this.
Amanda is a Masters student at UNC studying Information Science. Outside of class, Amana is an avid reader, loves music, and loves outdoor sports. Find Amanda Baker on Twitter, Github, and on the web.