Amandas logical turtle

by Amanda Baker

11 Jun 2017

Here is my link! <iframe src=”” width=”100%” height=”600” frameborder=”0” marginwidth=”0” marginheight=”0”

For this exercise, I really did not think it was too difficult. It was just really time consuming since all of it needed to be hard coded. However, overall, it was not bad at all. Before I submitted the program, I forgot that turtle draws lines as it goes to each place so I needed to code in pen up and pen down. I also think this program would be improved it I enabled a user to put in another team, clear the results and print a new one. Finally, I think I might try to ad the NFL logo and then clear it. Can turtle take sound input?

Amanda is a Masters student at UNC studying Information Science. Outside of class, Amana is an avid reader, loves music, and loves outdoor sports. Find Amanda Baker on Twitter, Github, and on the web.