Amandas custome turtle

by Amanda Baker

27 May 2017

Here is my custome turtle!!

<iframe src=”” width=”100%” height=”600” frameborder=”0”

This custome turtle was tuns of fun and the only frustrating part was lining up the angles for the triangles. They may not be perfect, but that was geometry I thought i would never have to do again!!! However, I really liked coding the different functions into the turtle so that way I wasnt just offering the person to choose the color of the turtle but it used logic so they had alternatives. One thing I am not sure a “sighted person can see, and feedback would be great, is the few times I had tina use the write function. So written inside the blue triangle in black is the word “blue” and the red triangle has the word “red” written in it. Depending on what the user chooses when they pick a color, if they choose blue, she will write at (0, 340) Tina likes the color blue in lavender ink. If the user chooses red, she fills the screen with black and writes at (0, 0) in red ink, “Tina doesn’t like the color red very much!!” Let me know if that is evident for someone looking at the screen. I am excited to do future turtle exercises with other cool effects!

Amanda is a Masters student at UNC studying Information Science. Outside of class, Amana is an avid reader, loves music, and loves outdoor sports. Find Amanda Baker on Twitter, Github, and on the web.