Matt's Clicky Turtle Exercise

by Matt Zimo

30 May 2017

I don’t know. I feel worn down after all these exercises. I figured out how to add the background image and to resize the screen to match it. I also tried to make an onclick even that would rotate the turtle in a random direction.

def glow_spin(self,x,y):

When I tried to click on it, I got an error saying “TypeError: seth() takes exactly 1 positional argument(s) (0 given) on line 14 in” I don’t know what that means, I thought I was passing on an argument into seth, but it says I’m not. I also can’t seem to change the shape of the turtle.

I would like to make it so that the turtle autmatically fills in any shapes created by the click and goto, but I couldn’t figure that out, either.

Matt Zimo is an information science grad student at UNC Chapel Hill. Go Vols! Find Matt Zimo on Twitter, Github, and on the web.