Lisette's Poetry Slam Turtle

by Lisette Dunham

01 Jun 2017

Reflection: When I began working on the poetry slam it took me a couple minutes to figure out which kind of loop I wanted to use. I thought about using a for loop, but then I would have had to define the number of rows, so I used a while loop. Though, now that I think about it again, I could have defined the number of rows as what would fit on the screen.

Early on, I also struggled with having tina write the poetry, and it didn’t make sense why she wasn’t working. I kept carefully reading my code to try to read it with fresh eyes and find my bug and also tried hardcoding tina to write words. After deciding it could still be my code, but it could also be the turtletalk package, I decided to remove turtletalk and it worked. Once that was fixed, it was easy for me to add the advanced changes. In addition to having the poetry fit on a single line, and the lines fit in the viewing window, I wanted to make the poem symmetric on the page. So the text of the poem will have a 50 pixel margin around all sides.

Lisette is a Research Data Statistical Analyst at UNC's Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center Find Lisette Dunham on Twitter, Github, and on the web.