Final Prject Idea and work plan

by Ayesha Aslam

12 Jun 2017

Since my Drawing App assignment was a disaster, I would not want to repeat the mistakes I made earlier. I will not settle for anything less than what is required. At the same time ,I want to set realistic and achievable goals for my project. My prioroty will be to include as many project requiremenst as I can comfortably,without jeopardizing my App, than slowly I will try my best to make is better one step at a time. For my final project, again, I will be doing the turtle assignment as I love turtle and drawings and color. When we were supposed to do our drawing APP, I mistakenly started on this idea of making a game APP, so I already have a little vision. It is not exactly out of the box idea, its going to be a run and chase kind of game. The basic idea is that the user turtle will try to make a home run while other turtles will try to tag it in between the bases. I am not sure how much will I be able to implement it, in terms of including all the requirements but thats the basic plan. Following is the list of milestones I have set for myself:

-Use of external data files
- Dictionaries
-Custom modules
- For loops
- Custom Functions
-Custom Classes
-well commented and organized
-Error free
- Display information
- win screen
-graphical user interface
- will work on the usefulness of APP

Revised plan of action:

Just getting to know the difference between the milestones, assignment requirements and plan of action has made everything more clear in terms of my first steps towards the Finals.My plan of action for tonight would be to watch the game app videos . The initial milestone for tomorrow will be

  • make the “ strike” screen for the game
  • make a runner and tagger turtles

I have already done a little bit of graphics for the game and I think just taking it to the point of running a game would be really helpful and encouraging for me at this stage to take it a notch further. I will try to incorporate all the essential requirements of the assignment, one step at a time.

My milestones for the rest of the week will be

  • make a help screen/create user inetrface
  • create a score board
  • create a ‘win’ and ‘lose’ screen
  • introduce increasing level of difficulty
Ayesha Aslam is a physician and a student of Master's program in Health Informatics at UNC Find Ayesha Aslam on Twitter, Github, and on the web.