Brian's Third Project Update

by Brian Pugsley

19 Jun 2017

In working through this game, I’m continuing to work through the bugs. I still need to create the logic for when the car hits the frog or the frog hits the car. I plan on building that into the create cars function and the movement of the frog. I’m also having issues with the level not disappearing when the new level is created. I have a few milestones I still need to reach but have made some good progress.

-[X]Program draws roads, equally spaced -[X]Program initiates with frog at bottom, middle of screen -[X]Frog is able to move, one section at a time, in any direction. -[X]Program won’t allow frog to leave the screen -[X]Program generates “win” when frog reaches other side of roads -[X]Program has car turtles that drive on road -[ ]If frog/car intersect, “lose” -[ ]Program has multiple levels of difficulty -[ ]Difficulty based on speed/number of cars -[X]Program prints level -[ ]Program has “new game” button or ability to restart

Never half-ass two things. Whole-ass one thing -Ron Swanson Find Brian Pugsley on Twitter, Github, and on the web.