Anusha's Turtle Hack

by Anusha Suresh

22 May 2017

Here is my turtle hack code:

Reflection: This activity was tough for me. The first thing I ran into was that I wasn’t sure what to make, so I set out with a house, but I wasn’t happy with the way things were working out. I had an issue with the way my shapes were turning out, so I decided I wanted to try something else. Then I began to mess around with circles, trying to see which way I could turn them, how concentric I code make them, etc. If you look at my code now, you can see I grew really really fond of circles. As I figured out how to make them concentric, they began to look like ears to me, then I thought of them as mouse ears, and we have a mouse. With the ears, when I started to fill them, they ended up in the wrong order, so I had to go back and rearrange the circles. I had a lot of trouble with understand how to turn and move objects, I think I understand, but not quite though. More on that when we get to the cheese. I also believe I have a better understanding of symmetry now because I understand my field a little better. I then wanted to make a mouth, that part took research because I wanted to figure out how to make a semi-circle. It was then that I realized that I just had to include a second argument to the circle function. But I’m still a little fuzzy there, just as to what other arguments I can include for circles, how exactly I can control them, etc. From there, I think I spent the most time on the cheese. (I really took advantage of .dot here to make it look like the cheese had holes.) I knew going in that I wanted to “animate” them in some way, but I was struggling. I initially wanted to make it seem like the cheese was moving across the screen, but I was having trouble understanding how to do that. At that point, I figured I could draw another object on top, with the background color to make it look like a couple of the wheels disappeared. This worked with the first wheel of cheese, but not the other. I couldn’t understand how the position was changing here, and if we could talk a little bit more about position, that would really help me understand better. After talking about it a little more, I know understand I can use .seth() to make the turtle point in the direction that I want it to. Had I realized this sooner, I think I would have been able to make my house work, but I still like my mouse. I had the same issue with text position, for me, It just keeps moving more to the right of the screen and I’m not sure why when I put in left or center. Overall, I think that this piece is a step up for me from my initial turtle works.

I am currently a rising junior here at UNC. I am hoping to be an INLS major, though I am currently a minor. In regards to this class, I have tried programming several times before with no success, but I am determined to learn something from this course. I love the fall, cookies and cream milkshakes(plus points if it's a malted shake), and jokes (good and bad, mostly). Find Anusha Suresh on Twitter, Github, and on the web.