Anusha's Clicky Turtle

by Anusha Suresh

29 May 2017

Here is my embed code:

And my reflection: Once I kind of figured out where I wanted to go, this assignment wasn’t that bad. I thought it was going to be a whole lot harder that it was. I had to look at the starter code to understand how exactly I was to make everything work, then I remixed that, but now I think it looks a bit different. Instead of making everything with tina, I went straight to turtle. I was using turtle in my definitions and then it ended up easier there. The first thing I did was work with the background screen. The colors were the easy part, and the grass was a little tricky. I had some trouble trying to get it aligned correctly. I also had an issue with it just having a green line that I couldn’t make go away no matter how many pen ups and pendowns. Then I set out on the flowers. I knew we needed a function so I went back to the functional turtles exercise to see how I did it there with circles. I made the function, but for some reason it wasn’t doing anything when I clicked the screen, or it was just drawing a black line connecting the points. At that point, I was messing around with the placement of the clicky functions and the tina vs turtle, and if statements. Then I moved the clicky back to the bottom and realized I had to do the whole myscreen.onclick, and there was a lightbulb there. Then I wanted to give my flowers some depth so I added the brown center circle. I had to fiddle with the position of this one until I got it exactly centered because for some reason it kept drawing to the left even though I set the heading. Then I drew the stems and they kept going from the x,y which I didn’t like, so changed that position a little too. It’s not perfect, the stems, but they are close. My mind went blank when I couldn’t figure out how to make a line, until I looked at the word forward, very silly on my part, but I’m happy I had the sense to use the distance function to make the line go where I wanted it to. I’m also happy that I made the random colors for the flowers, importing random is actually kind of fun. Then I proceeded to try to make ants. I had the function all ready to go, but I had a hard time trying to specify that “if a person clicked in a certain space, then this specific thing would happen.” I tried a while loop and some if’s, but they weren’t working out well. I would love some clarification on screen locations and specifications, especially in terms of x and y. I ended up scrapping the idea and making the sun. Then I figured that it still needed something, so I decided to add leaves. This took a lot of work experimenting with the arcs, but I got close to wanted. I would like my leaves to be slightly differnt shapes, and change along with size of the stem at some point in the future, but for now I believe the capture what I am trying to say.

I am currently a rising junior here at UNC. I am hoping to be an INLS major, though I am currently a minor. In regards to this class, I have tried programming several times before with no success, but I am determined to learn something from this course. I love the fall, cookies and cream milkshakes(plus points if it's a malted shake), and jokes (good and bad, mostly). Find Anusha Suresh on Twitter, Github, and on the web.