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Caroline's Pygame Post

by Caroline Pate

12 Nov 2013

So, when I first started playing around with Starpusher, I learned something: I am terrible at Starpusher.

Thankfully, now that I knew how to work with pygame, I could cheat without cheating! So, I opened the file to edit the levels with nano starPusherLevels.txt. The directions in the file were incredibly easy to follow. So first, I edited a level to make it easier: My new easier level

Then, I made a whole new level from scratch: My very own level

I also edited the background color to a nicer blue by going into and changing the RGB values so it read BRIGHTBLUE = (132, 227, 225). Overall, I thought it was really easy working with PyGame and had a lot of fun with it!

Caroline is a senior multimedia journalism major at UNC Chapel Hill. Her interests include music, television, cats, pizza, and beautiful news applications that tell a story. Find Caroline Pate on Twitter, Github, and on the web.
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