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Olivia's Pygame Hack

by Olivia Dorsey

11 Nov 2013

After enduring multiple Virtual Box crashes and the slow process of using Ubuntu on my laptop, I finally added some hacks to the Starpusher game! I removed all of the characters associated with the original game and added in new images in the form of three Avatar the Last Airbender characters. I also replaced the stars with rainbows and changed the default colors of the game.

Here are the lovely characters that I used!

Aang Katara Zuko

BRIGHTBLUE = ( 0, 170, 255)
PURPLE = (128, 0, 128)

I also changed the instructions of the game slightly:

instructionText = ['Help the Avatar the Last Airbender characters push rainbows and save the day!',
                   'Push the rainbows over the marks.']

As a result, when you start the game, you get this:

Start game

IMAGESDICT = {.....,
'star' : pygame.image.load('rainbow.png'),
'princess' : pygame.image.load('katara.png'),
'catgirl' : pygame.image.load('aang.png'),
'pinkgirl' : pygame.image.load('zuko.png'),

I kept all of the original name assignments for each image... I can't help but think it's hilarious to think of Zuko as a "pinkgirl"! Anyways, after doing that, I was able to change each character at the press of the "P" button. Here is an image of Aang's character being in use:

Character Change

From here, I think I would find some Avatar the Last Airbender-esque landmarks and things to block the path of that rainbow!

Olivia is a senior BSIS student who is interested in web design/development and the digital humanities. Her hometown is Clayton, NC. Find Olivia Dorsey on Twitter, Github, and on the web.
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