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Like thanksgiving, only grittier.


11 Nov 2013

So, I decided to add a level to Starpusher, because the fact that there's no level that looks like a star in a game called Starpusher is frankly appalling.

Even though it didn't involve a lot of code it was a little more complicated than I thought. Mainly because when you draw your level in the text file like this: text star level

You need to make sure you delete any spaces to the right of your drawing. The map in the game auto aligns to the right side, and the spaces render as grass. It took me a while to figure out why I was just seeing grass and bushes.

The screen currently only shows 16 tiles across if you don't mess with the camera too, which is nice to know.

This is what my end level ended up looking like:

bonus round

You can get there by hitting 'b' from the demo level. It's super easy, but if you make though the other couple hundred levels, I figured you probably earned a gold star.

Also, just for seasonal giggles, Turkey Punisher:

the turkeys had it coming

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