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Kyles Starpusher

by Kyle Shaffer

11 Nov 2013

I had fun with this assignment. It seems like there's a lot you can do, but the building blocks are fairly straightforward. The first thing I did was to edit some colors, like the background, which should be evident in the images in this post (I opted for a darker blue as opposed to sky blue in the original). Next, I wanted to do some rule-breaking:

Notice anything strange here? Our princess has jumped the wall! Or rather, walked through it. I made a quick modification to the def is Wall() function by commenting out the code block beneath the function header like so:

This way, we keep our function should we want it for future when our guilty conscience catches up with us after proceeding to level 10 after 20 minutes.

Next, I felt good when I got through a level, but I wanted something a little more enthusiastic. So, I changed what the value that the "solved" key referred to like so:

This just changes the value in the dict to an image called thumbsup.png that I'd found in Google images. So, having made that little change, here's what it looks like when I finish levels now:

Probably not as informative, but much more enthusiastic I think.

First year MSIS student, novice Githubber, avid coffee drinker. Find Kyle Shaffer on Twitter, Github, and on the web.
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