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My Flaskr is almost empty

by David Pcolar

06 Nov 2013

Flaskr didn't pose any significant issues, for which I am grateful.

My Ubuntu instance is a VM running on the iMac in my office. In class and from home, I remote into the instance via ssh or VNC. There are a number of steps to get there:
1) connect via the VPN
2) ssh -XC to the instance
3) run flaskr in the background - (so I don't need to open another window) via 'nohup python &'

tonight I got an error: socket.error: [Errno 98] Address already in use

Let's troubleshoot: $ sudo netstat -ap | grep 5000 [sudo] password for pcolar:

tcp        0      0 localhost:5000          *:*                     LISTEN      21798/python

Oops, my detached process was still running from Monday.
sudo kill 21798 the 'sudo' was not strictly needed, since the process was running under my ID.

OK, back to the assignment!

tired of loren ipsum...

So I filled with the madman and the whale instead

Dave is an IT professional with the University Library. My focus is infrastructure related project management and research on scalable storage environments. Find David Pcolar on Twitter, Github, and on the web.
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