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My Jekyll Site

by Olivia Dorsey

23 Oct 2013

In order to create a new Jekyll site, first open up a Terminal in Ubuntu. Then type in the following to create a new site: jeykll new sitenamehere

After that, go to that directory by typing: cd sitenamehere Then create a new repository for the site and add all of the files associated with the repository: git init git add .

Commit those files git commit -m "Add new Jekyll site"

Ignore the _site/ directory nano .gitignore

Once in nano, type _site/ so that directory is ignored. Then after saving .gitignore (by typing ctrl+O to save and then ctrl+X to exit) git add . gitignore git commit -m "Ignore _site"

Name the master branch as gh-pages git branch -m master gh-pages

Create a new repository and add that repository to origin git remote add origin And finally push those commits! git push origin gh-pages

My Jekyll site is located here

My First Jekyll site

Olivia is a senior BSIS student who is interested in web design/development and the digital humanities. Her hometown is Clayton, NC. Find Olivia Dorsey on Twitter, Github, and on the web.
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