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Kyles First Commandline Post

by Kyle Shaffer

14 Oct 2013

This has been my first post from any command line. The process in general was a bit nerve-wracking, but so far it's been okay. The clear instructions have made this process a lot less painful than I was expecting.

I think a lot of my initial confusion (and lingering confusion) stems from viewing the command line as a sort of "black box." Editing information directly on the GitHub website seems a bit more transparent - you get to see every step of the process and make sure things are going all right. I suppose the same is true for command line updating. You're still able to go through your changes step by step, but your updates are textual in the form of "statuses" as opposed to represented in a more directly visual way.

In any case, this has been a really good exercise. Just the right amounts of exciting and uncomfortable.

Screenshot below.

First year MSIS student, novice Githubber, avid coffee drinker. Find Kyle Shaffer on Twitter, Github, and on the web.
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