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Alex Cli Git

by Alexander Harding

14 Oct 2013

This is the post I'm creating using command line git.

I think this was a good assignment. Even though I'm through a year and a quarter or so in SILS, and use it for my job, I'm still not always 100% comfortable with using the command line. It's just intimidating. I try and force myself to use it often, and do end up using it a lot for work-related stuff, but it's always good to push harder. I like that we learned the github GUI before we dove in to command line git, because it gave us a good foundation to build off of.

For an overview of what we did: we installed some web-related things we needed, namely Ruby, and github's jekyll pages. Then we cloned our USERNAME/fall2013 repo to our local machine, wrote a post, committed it, then pushed it from our local fall2013 to our github fall2013, which we then used github to open a pull request to silshack/fall2013. Now we're adding to these posts. I'm wondering if some in the class (myself definitely included) would benefit from spending some time going over basic unix command line? I've gotten somewhat familiar with it, but it seems from some of the posts that the bare minimum we did in 461 wasn't quite up to snuff. Maybe an overview of just UNIX navigation (/ and ., pwd and ls and cd) might be helpful. I could write a post on that if people were interested.

Anyway, this was a fun assignment, and it's always nice to dive headfirst into something with a list of instructions. It's a good way to have to figure things out yourself when they go wrong, and I like that a lot.

Here's a screenshot of it all in action, for the sake of having a screenshot!

Alex is a second year MSIS student at SILS and the bottom of the totem pole in the UNC Libraries IT Systems department. He looks forward to working with everyone in this class! Find Alexander Harding on Twitter, Github, and on the web.
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